The Reykjavik Grapevine


Vigri is an Icelandic band with melodic and classical elements, who formed in Reykjavik 2009. In the beginning the group consisted only of brothers Bjarki and Hans Pjetursson and then later expanded into a five piece band. Atli Jónasson on drums, Þórir Bergson on guitar, bass, keyboards and brass, Egill Halldórsson on bass and keyboards. Named for the last ship their Grandfather captained, Vigri’s music has the power and breadth of Pink Floyd and the enlightening melancholy whimper of Sigur Rós. As the brainchild of two brothers from Iceland, Vigri paves the way for melodies with enough power to rumble the foundations of the churches in which their debut album was recorded. With guitar riffs like depth charges and powerful brass and keyboards it’s no surprise that their concerts have received great critical acclaim for innovation and power, creating a dreamlike atmosphere with a majestic blend of pop and classical music.

November 2, 2013
19:10 Harpa Kaldalón