From Iceland — Body Positivity & Beyoncé: Tara Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir's Perfect Day

Body Positivity & Beyoncé: Tara Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir’s Perfect Day

Published March 27, 2019

Body Positivity & Beyoncé: Tara Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir’s Perfect Day
Photo by
Patrik Ontkovic

Tara Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir is the chair of Iceland’s Association for Body Respect and is a strong voice for body positivity around the world. We reached out to find out what her perfect day in Reykjavík would be:

First thing in the morning

I wake up on a sunny day in Reykjavík. It’s my birthday. My hubby is making me pancakes to eat with my caramel latte and the newspaper. Weight stigma, bariatric surgery and dieting have been outlawed worldwide. Trump has been impeached and imprisoned for his crimes and Michelle Obama is now president of the USA. My dear friend and disability activist Freyja Haraldsdóttir just adopted her second child. TERFS (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists) never existed. Nobody does blackface on Halloween anymore. Poverty has been eradicated and global warming has been reversed. It’s looking to be a good day!


After brushing up on the news, I go to Árbæjarlaug swimming pool to soak, relax, and maybe do a few laps. Árbæjarlaug has the best view of all the swimming pools in Reykjavík. The pool is full of people of all shapes and sizes just strutting their stuff in their swimsuits unapologetically. You can taste the body positivity in the air!

“It’s like Fyre Festival, only more extravagant and without the fraud!”


I get my hair and makeup done and put on my favourite dress because me, hubby, and our friends are going to dinner at one of my favourite restaurants, Sushi Social, to celebrate my birthday. Our table is decked with sushi rolls and cocktails. Conversations are flowing. It’s just a cosy moment with my favourite people.

A portrait of Tara on her perfect day


After dinner, we head down to Reykjavík harbour, where a yacht is waiting to pick us up. Beyoncé and Jay-Z came to Iceland to renew their vows and we’re invited! They’ve leased Viðey Island for the celebration and made it into a tropical island just for the night. It’s like Fyre Festival, only more extravagant and without the fraud!

Click here to check out other perfect day’s from the various interesting people of Iceland

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