Never Poke Your Partner
Sword Fights to Slapstick
Although stage fighting sounds like a form of martial arts, it actually has nothing to do with self-defence. Stage fighting is the art of physical conflict used in theatrical productions, movies, television and historical festivals. Stage fights can vary from unarmed combat to historical sword fights and even to comic slapstick fights. There are, however, clear rules in stage fighting. Rule number one: Never poke your partner.
Fighting Safely
Besides being a useful skill on stage, stage fighting is also a great exercise in body control. And most of all, it is good fun! Who wouldn’t enjoy a weekend of beating up your partner? In her workshops, Ine Camilla focuses on teaching falling, punching, and kicking as well as techniques of working with a partner in combat. After basics, there are, however, several different techniques and weapons to train with. And of course, she will not forget to show her tricks on how to make getting killed a spectacle…
“Icelandic stage fighting will never be the same again.”
In Iceland, Ine Camilla’s ambition is to get an active group of stage fighters together and into the network of the Nordic Stage Fight Society. This would mean more teachers and workshops, more skilled stage fighters and of course more spectacular fights both on stage and on TV. As a member of executive committee, Ine Camilla is planning the society’s ten-year anniversary workshop in Estonia this summer and hopes to get some new stage fighters from Iceland to take part in that.
“Icelandic stage fighting will never be the same again,” Ine Camilla laughs and finishes with her motto, “Thrust me – I’m a stage fighter!”
For more information on workshops contact: or the Nordic Stage Fight Society: