GAY PRIDE CELEBRATION: Saturday August 6th
Last year’s Gay Pride Celebration brought in a reported 40,000 visitors, though from our office, downtown Reykjavík looked a good deal more packed than that. As local author Andri Snær Magnason has claimed, the Gay Pride Celebrations in Iceland have surmounted June 17th, Icelandic Independence Day, in numbers of celebrators, and possibly in meaning—many marching under the rainbow flag remember a time when being openly gay was not as accepted as it is now.
NASA, the large night club in downtown Reykjavík near the home of Iceland’s founding father Jón “Forseti” Sigurðsson, will hold the official Gay Pride Party, with proceeds going to support local youth groups. But almost every club in town will present live music, and the streets will be packed until morning with tolerant revellers.
For more information, visit