The Reykjavik Grapevine

Opening Today: ‘Lust For Life’ By Georg Óskar

Life gets a little more interesting when you pay attention. Take a tip from contemporary artist Georg Óskar, who spends his days collecting “information” about the world around him in an attempt to shed some light on the vague and hidden aspects of life. While his colour schemes are fairly muted, the paintings themselves are loud and chaotic. He depicts his subjects in a cartoonish, if not ghoulish, manner through hectic portraits that flirt with the subconscious with names like ‘Some Weird Dream I Had’ and ‘The Twins Who Shared the Same Wife’. It’s a weird and wonderful life, y’all.

The exhibition will be at SÍM and runs August 6 to 26, 10:00-16:00. The special opening party is from 17:00 to 19:00 today.

Read the full listing here.