From Iceland — We’re Not Upset About: Mr. and Mrs. Smith

We’re Not Upset About: Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Published June 10, 2005

We’re Not Upset About: Mr. and Mrs. Smith

One would assume that a feature-length film about the joys of domestic violence would draw our ire. Just as one would assume that a movie with a $100 million budget that has received more press coverage than any vote by the UN, more than any non-film-related cultural event, just for the private lives of its actors would annoy us simply in its existence. But we’re happy about the absurdity of this movie’s coverage.
In the many hundreds of stories about Brad and Angelina, how the 29-year-old vixen stole the leading man’s heart, we keep on seeing in passing that Angelina Jolie does an enormous amount of charity work, with “charity work” flipped about as though it were as vain as breast augmentation.
That a 29-year-old bombshell actress devotes her time and assets to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees is remarkable. That nobody believes her when she says this is more important than a movie with Brad Pitt, an outstandingly lame wardrobe and dialogue that will have you sharpening your toothbrushes to shiv yourself in the ear– that is truly absurd.
To donate to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, go to To understand the brutal double standards and harsh stupidity of the world, type Angelina Jolie into Google.

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