The Reykjavik Grapevine

A New Reign of Terror Over Iceland

A relatively new group of Vikings calling themselves, Skálmöld, plan to terrorize Tjarnarbíó with their big bad, Viking metal on February 24. The occasion? They’re celebrating the release of their inaugural album, ‘Baldur’. In Norse mythology, Baldur is the son of Odin, who is killed by his blind brother, Höður, who is tricked into the deed by Loki, who is the god of mischief. In fact, Skálmöld tell the whole story in their album. So, if you’re fond of the idea of having a Viking saga belted at you, Skálmöld may be worth the gander. Also of note, Tjarnarbíó was arguably everyone’s favourite venue at last year’s Iceland Airwaves, offering comfortable theatre seating and plenty of room for rocking out.
When: February 24, 20:30
Where: Tjarnarbíó, Tjarnargata 12, 101 Reykjavík
How Much: 2.900 ISK