A picture is worth a thousand words, goes the old saying. If that’s true, music that brings to mind a thousand pictures must be worth a million words.
At least concerning the music of Tempel, that logic is valid—a million words could be used to describe it. Here, though, a few dozen will have to make do.
First of all it’s contradictory. Modern synthesizers battle amplified guitars, programmed drum machines merge with a regular rhythm section. The music is at the same time deep yet airy, massive yet fragile.
Second of all it’s moving. Moving in the emotional way, moving in a very physical sense.
While normally not more than a duo consisting of Albert af Ekenstam and Filip Leyman, Tempel brings a full band to the stage. The intimate collaboration with visual artist Love Hultén provides an extra dimension to the music—evident, not least, in Tempel’s music video.
For a preview of Tempel’s music, check out the self-titled debut album, released on record label Kning Disk on June 5, 2013.
October 31, 2013
21:40 Gamla Bío