The Reykjavik Grapevine

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If you feel like buying a Björgvin Halldórsson album (may God have mercy on your soul), but don’t have the financial standings to shell out 2,500 ISK for the three-disc leviathan detailed above, then you might want to consider this as a (slightly) more affordable option, as it contains several of his more engaging performances while keeping the ridiculously dated power ballads to a minimum.
Established as a money-making scheme of sorts in 1974, they played a miscellany of country, rockabilly and hippie-pop, which has been collected in its entirety onto this humble two-disc set, which on occasion has more than just nostalgic value; songs like Diggi liggi ló, Kurrjóðaglyðra and Vilji Sveins can be thoroughly enjoyed, provided your tongue remains firmly planted in your cheek for the duration.