Various Artists – Pældu í því sem pælandi er í

This is the second Megas tribute CD ever to surface in the history of mankind. Thirteen various artists and bands have a go at his songs with similar results. Each artist puts his own mark on the songs but mostly adds nothing new. A good cover song should add something to the original, not just a new arrangement that sounds almost the same. These are all talented artists and it’s an enjoyable CD to listen to but, apart from for one track, it doesn’t add anything of value to the songs. It’s a great reminder of Megas’s genius though. Nobody matches his lyrics and it made me want to dig into my record collection for his work, maybe that’s the point of the whole deal. The track that makes this a worthy buy is Trabant’s great version of Björt ljós, borgarljós. That cover makes the album – the rest is pleasant but forgettable. PH