The Reykjavik Grapevine

Silvia Night – Goldmine

Sylvia Night is a fictional character that is based on a satire of Paris Hilton
and other celebrities that have a questionable claim to fame. She was
responsible for a much talked about mockumentary TV show where she
would annoy people endlessly with her prima donna behaviour. She took
her Diva act one step further during last year’s Eurovision song contest
where she managed to piss of Europe collectively, taking a golden shower
during her performance after talking to God and in the process became
the first contestant to be booed on stage. If only for her previous gimmicks,
she deserves a lot of respect as an artist. Goldmine is her first full
length release, and while it is as generic as her persona, in its conventional
MTV trash pop; it is extremely well executed and produced. The songs run
through smoothly, although nothing much grabs you. A word must be
reserved for the cover production however. SBB