The Reykjavik Grapevine

Ruddinn – Ruddinn

Calling himself a ‘true Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,’ the lone Ruddinn has been writing and putting forth pop for the past 15 years. If I’m doing my math right, this guy has been around since the early 80’s. It seems that Ruddinn might be stuck in a time capsule, as most of his work draws from the likes of New Order, Joy Division and maybe a little Slowdive. The songs, for the most part, are well-crafted electronic pop. Unfortunately, the album is poorly produced (it appears that Ruddinn did all the work himself) and ultimately it comes off as more of a quickly-produced 10-track rough than a carefully crafted album. The vocals sound muffled and amorphous, and there are dissonant parts here that were probably not intended. Moreover, when the similarities between Eyes on Me and New Order’s Bizarre Love Triangle become too obvious, it seems like Ruddinn might be up to some foul play. I thought you said you’ve been doing this for 15 years, man.