The Reykjavik Grapevine

Hurðaskellir The Most Obnoxious Yule Lad: Breiðholt Residents

Residents of apartment blocks in Reykjavík’s Breiðholt neighbourhood are exhausted today after being kept up all night by some lunatic incessantly slamming doors.

“Seriously, who the f#$k does that?” wondered Lárus, who reckons he banked two hours of sleep last night. “You really have to be a special kind of asshole to just go around repeatedly slamming doors.”

Lukasz’ neighbour, Melkorka added her observation that “I get the other Yule lads, stealing left-overs and drinking milk. They get something out of the deal. But Hurðaskellir is just obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious. Still, not a single person in my building dared confront the door slammer. Nobody wanted to find a potato in their shoe this morning.”

Late night urban forager and renowned cartoonist Halldór Baldursson spotted the Yule Lad when investigating the commotion and captured his likeness on paper. His drawing has been turned into a collectible figurine available from the good folks at Icemart to add some Icelandic holiday cheer to your home.


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