The Reykjavik Grapevine

Skyrgámur Dashes Tourists’ Hopes For Authentic Icelandic Experience

Tourists throughout the country and sobbing in their Airbnbs today upon discovering the carton of skyr they picked up at Bonus yesterday had been devoured during the night, dashing their plans to try the mass-produced Icelandic dairy product once and then return to their home countries to espouse its superiority over yogurt to anybody that will listen.

“I had read on the travel blogs before coming to Iceland that skyr was a totally authentic Icelandic delicacy and I was going to Instagram myself eating it for breakfast this morning. #BreakfastGoals #Blessed,” Amanda, a traveller from the United States, told the Grapevine.

Added local resident Þóra, “Skyrgámur is usually only an annoyance to Icelandic parents, who have to scramble every December 19 to put together breakfast upon finding a fridge full of empty dairy containers.” She continued while rolling her eyes: “But, yes, let’s all feel back for the poor tourists.”

Talented artist and friend to all, Halldór Baldursson wrestled his own skyr out of the thieving Yule Lad’s hands this morning in an epic kitchen battle. He then drew Skyrgámur’s likeness, which the good people at Icemart have recreated as a fun collectible figurine that you can pick up to add Icelandic holiday cheer to your home.


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