The Reykjavik Grapevine

New In Town: Kaffi Ó-le

GREETINGS GRAPEVINE NATION: our Youtube Membership scheme is LIVE! Don’t know what we’re talking about? Check out our introduction video here for all the info!
If you were born in Iceland in the early 80s, you just might remember the name Café Olé. Hearing it may even overwhelm you with nostalgia, memories of lost loves or nicotine poisoning. Café Olé was once the name of the local haunt of the young genX cool kids, but is now a slick coffee house next to the Radisson 1919 Hotel. Sounds like the revolution ate its children. Don’t fret, GenX never believed in anything anyways. But we can tell you right now, the coffee at the new Café Olé is way better than we used to drink.