The Reykjavik Grapevine

Well, You Asked: Why Are You All Trying To Move Here?

You asked, so we answered—but not in a nice way. Although, we did have to ask you to ask, so maybe we should stop doing that.

How will international flights to Akureyri affect North Iceland?

These newly-announced flights surely make it easier for útlendingar (that’s “foreigners,” for any non-Íslendingar reading this) to access the Land of Fire and Ice. But do you remember why Iceland is called that? It’s because of our unpredictable volcanic activity and already melting glaciers. Giving tourists another entry point probably couldn’t make this environmental disaster any worse, right? Oh wait, airplane fuel is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions? Hmm.

What is the housing situation like in Iceland?

If you have to ask this, you probably don’t want to live here. And if you already know the answer, you still probably don’t want to live here. That’s right, folks, it ain’t pretty. If you want to live in one of the most expensive cities in Europe, move to Reykjavík. That is, if you can find a place to stay.

What is the best way to learn Icelandic online?

So you’re trying to learn the language of the country you’re visiting instead of assuming everyone will speak English? Good for you. Seriously. We have a YouTube video about learning Icelandic, but you should probably just watch Icelandic movies with subtitles. You’ll pick it up eventually. In the meantime, just say “jæja” a whole bunch, and you should be fine.

Got a burning question that needs answering? We give absolutely terrible advice, but since you keep asking, we’ll keep answering. Email ’em in to