The Reykjavik Grapevine

A bottle message found in South-eastern Iceland

A message in a bottle has been floating in the ocean for 8 months until
11 year old boy found it in South-eastern Iceland, in Hornafjördur. It
seems like a fairy tale. On the contrary, it’s not!

In May 2007 a Canadian guard cruiser Alfred White originally from
Newfoundland dropped the bottle into the Atlantic with a letter and few
Canadian coins in which he asked finder to contact him back. Kristófer
Ögmundsson was just returning from a beach walk with his parents to
their car when he saw a bottle on the shore. He came back and pulled it
out of the sea.

Soon after the trove, Kristófer send to Alfred a letter with some
Icelandic coins, CD about South-eastern Iceland and his mother
hand-made pictures.

Now, they are writing e-mails to each-other. Kristófer and his
family are going to invite Alfred for a visit to Iceland, so they can
chat more about weird ways of destiny.

Text by Eva Firicka