The Reykjavik Grapevine

Well, You Asked: I’ll Tell You A Story Of Rock Bottom

What is the best age to hit rock bottom?

I’m glad you asked! Frankly though, is there ever a good time to hit rock bottom? With “best” being the superlative form of “good,” you’re grammatically implying that in your opinion, there exist several stages in life that are suitable for a serious crisis. Now, what does that say about you?

But then the term rock bottom is also a misnomer. It implies that there is an ultimate state from which you can’t get any lower when we all know that you always can. Grammar aside, I can’t tell you what the best age to hit rock bottom is, but we may discuss at which age it’s least bad. Indeed there is a very short time frame in which to reach rock bottom and still have the wherewithal to rebound and move on without serious damage.

You’ll want to be over 20 for sure—a rock bottom moment in your teenage years would result in permanent trauma. However, you certainly don’t want to be 27, as we all know that’s a very dangerous time to be at your lowest. And anything older than that also seems scary. Nobody wants to be 50 and realize they spent half of their lives chasing the wrong things or being with the wrong person.

In conclusion, please hit rock bottom when you see fit—ideally in your early- to mid-twenties—and also, maybe, consider not taking advice from a cynical 23-year-old.