The Reykjavik Grapevine

Good Morning Reykjavík

Here’s a list of greatest hits up to now from the chess master’s repertoire:

Dec. 13, 2005. Fischer gives a heart-to-heart on his love for Iceland, phoning it in to the Icelandic television show Ísland í dag:

Ísland í dag: “You have expressed an interest in coming to Iceland, Bobby, why is that?”

Bobby Fischer: “I said- I said I want to get out of this fucking Jap land, you know?”

Ísland í dag: “Would you like to settle down in Iceland permanently, or would you like to- would you look upon your stay in Iceland as a stopover on your way somewhere else?”

Bobby Fischer: “First things first, you know, I want to get out of this filthy country here, you know what I mean?”

Ísland í dag: “If you had the opportunity, Bobby, to address the Icelandic people and the Icelandic government, what would be your message?”

Bobby Fischer: (Silence and short explanation of legal difficulties.) “ . . . I hope they [the Icelandic Foreign Ministry] will agree to what I said in the letter, yeah, and give me political asylum so I can get out of this goddamn country, you know, this sick joke has gone on long enough.”

Sept. 11, 2001. Fischer redefined compassion and understanding in his words to his countrymen in a perceptive call in to Radio Bombo in Baguio City, Philippines.

“This is all wonderful news. I applaud the act. The U.S. and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians, just slaughtering them for years. Robbing them and slaughtering them. Nobody gave a shit. Now it’s coming back to the U.S. Fuck the U.S. I want to see the U.S. wiped out.”

Jan 17, 1999. Fischer answered the question the world was askin’.
“I object to being called a chess genius, because I consider myself to be an all-around genius who just happens to play chess.”

Jan 14, 1999. Fischer delivers an oldy but goody, giving his new spin on the anti-Semitism that is his hallmark to Radio Bombo.

“This is the Jewish mentality. These are a criminal people. They torture their prisoners in the worst way. It’s even illegal! They don’t even deny it hardly. Jews were always were always bastards throughout history. They are liars, they are the worst pieces of shit in the world. They mutilate their own children…You know the Jews control the courts…The United States is a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed circumcised Jew bastards.”

“…What’s the difference between a good Jew and bad Jew?…The good Jew fucks you slower.”

What will Fischer do next? The hepcats of the radio-friendly world are wonderin’. But we think it might be sexy. Here’s a sneak preview from Fischer’s website:

”The following 22 pages of documents are self-explanatory except to add that both the nefarious Mr. Jeff Levinsky and his protégé Mr. Nicky Targ (Nicholas W. Targ) are circumcised Jews and proud of it.”

Look out Howard Stern! And Mike Savage, you are now officially PC.