The Reykjavik Grapevine

Don’t Ask Nanna: About The Police

Hi Nanna, 

What’s the most dangerous animal in Iceland? 

Attenborough Enthusiast

Hi Attenborough Enthusiast,

The police.


Hey Nanna, 

Is it hard to drive a modified 4×4 truck? I’m thinking about renting one during my visit in January. 



Hey Trucker,

If I knew how to drive one, I’d tell you. Maybe. Actually, probably not. Looks pretty hard to park though, but I’m basing that on years of seeing 4×4 drivers park their giant cars like total fucking assholes.


Dear Nanna,

When is the best time to visit Iceland?

Making Plans

Dear Making Plans,

Does it matter? You can’t trust the weather and all us smug bastards are still here.

See you soon!
