The Reykjavik Grapevine


Writing this, I feel like what I look like on the accompanying photograph. All sweaty, tired, gross, wet, dishevelled, happy and content. Making this issue of Reykjavík Grapevine has been really hard work for various reasons that I don’t care to go into (mainly because it is super extra long! Lots of fun stuff to read!); I am not one for complaining and I don’t even want to complain about the experience. It was hard and gruelling and stuff, but it was also really, really fun, and I am pleased with the result.

And I hope you are too, dearest reader.

(But since this is an extra-long issue that was made under some rough circumstances, there might be one or two mistakes in there. Like typos and stuff. And we might have forgot to publicise your art show, and we might have had to cut that interview with your awesome band at the last minute because the layout changed unexpectedly, but don’t worry—we’ll do it in our next issue. We love you. You are wonderful! Please don’t get all pissy about it).

ANYWAY. Yes. Making a magazine is sometimes like being in a rock band, not the least because you get to spend time with some pretty damn awesome people working in harmony towards a shared goal. It is fun and everyone should try it. And all our contributors, guys, you’re so awesome! Group hug! Let’s form a band, shall we?

This issue has a lot of music stuff in it. This is mainly because AIRWAVES IS UPON US once again! And Airwaves is always a high point of the year, a great source of pleasure and joy and fun times and new discoveries. If you’re into that kind of thing.

I look forward to bumping into y’all at shows, on the way to shows and on the way from shows. So much music, so many new visitors to get to know, so many great people giving their everything so that we may be entertained, enlightened and thrilled.

It’s wonderful. Enjoy it!

PS – I can’t decide what I think is ridickulous-er: people that protested vigorously two years ago arguing that such acts are in no conceivable way appropriate now, or people that were all outraged about the protest two years ago trying to argue that such acts are totally appropriate now. Quit being dumb hypocrites, y’all!