The Reykjavik Grapevine


The League of extraordinary gentelmen
I read somewere you never spend it badly with Sean Connery, true?
A board of seven agains a conspirator, supported by special powres: a vampire, Dr Jackill, Dorian Gray, The invisible man…
A mixture of legebd and modern mithology for a novel set worlwide, amazing scenarios and interiors, the right dosage of special effect and wonder machine back in time.
The movie flow up and down between humor and thrill action and suspance.t
Nice adventure, would°not say a masterpiece, would not say i did not enjoy, did you?
(sic, sic and sic)
Augusto Parolini
If brevity is indeed the essence of wit, then this must count as one of the greatest ever movie reviews. He captures perfectly the style of the film, moving back and forth between the mythological and the nonsensical, even leaving room for the reader to come to his own conclusion. Many thanks, Augusto. Sorry to say all positions have been filled, but we wish you lots of luck on your writing career.
“There are no letters in the mailbox/There are no grapes upon your vine” quoth Cohen. Things have been slow on the letters front lately. Perhaps the absence of Grapevine since last August has something to do with this. However, this being the age of information, there´s no lack of letters in the mailbox:
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Ah, getting your PhD as well as a whale-sized penis while doing nothing but smoking cheap cigarettes and watching free porn. If only it were true. But the Internet is used not only by pornographers and cigarette salespeople. Whale protectionists have also gone online to save their animal of choice. Here´s a brief excerpt from a letter sent to our graphics designer (translation by Grapevine):
Dear recipient
I assume that it is rather unusual for you to receive letters of this nature, but I nonetheless hope you will give yourself time to read what is written herein…
I like traveling very much and have heard about the unique nature of Iceland…On the other hand I cannot come to Iceland…I want to come to Iceland to experience the nature of the country but not see it destroyed.
Last year whale watching in Iceland created 1,6 billion krónur in revenue in the year 2002 and the travel industry as a whole created 37 billion in revenue that same year. Last year the value of whale products was around 100 million krónur, assuming all whale meat was sold.
I am a member of Greenpeace and here in Germany there are around 500.000 registered members. This letter is sent to you personally from Greenpeace members such as me to regular Icelanders such as you to explain our views in a personal and more human way than can be done through advertising and television debates. Your name and address was on a list that was retreived from the National Register of Iceland.
So, is Greenpeace right? Will whaling kill of tourism in Iceland? Or won´t it have an impact at all? The Greenpeace ship Esperanza is expected here in June to open up further debate. Will Icelanders listen? Is Greenpeace right to contact residents individually? Feel free to comment about this or anything else at: