The Reykjavik Grapevine


My name is Ken Maxwell and I just finished reading the article that you wrote regarding the Mormon Missionaries serving in your area.
My son Brennik (Elder Maxwell) was one of the Missionaries mentioned.
I want you to know that I appreciated the article and the fairness with which you presented it.
Brennik Loves Iceland and the people he is serving there, and we are so proud of him and the decision that he made to serve in the mission field.
I want to thank you and the Grapevine for the article. I have sent it to several people here in Arizona in the Southwestern part of the United States, and I’m sure as a result of that, many people will start reading the Grapevine.
Best wishes
Ken and Margit Maxwell
Well, from the article I gathered that communications with family members are kept to a minimum during the mission, so I am glad to be able to bring you news of your son. I can also report that the journalist who talked to him was very moved by the experience and is seriously considering joining your church. That would be my loss and your gain. -Ed.
Good morning,
as far as I know you are one of the leading Icelandic newspapers and I thought you might be interested in this:
Open letter to the Icelandic Minister of Fisheries, Mr. Einar Kristinn Gudfinnson
Dear Sir,
Please be informed that I – and with me many of my compatriots – absolutely disagree with your decision to resume whaling. The whale you slaughtered yesterday was a fin whale, an endangered species. So your statement of “sustainable whaling” is totally ridiculous.
My husband and me intended to spend our next year’s holiday in Iceland on a whale watching tour. Considering the latest development in your country we will definitely refrain from this. We cannot support a government that acts so irresponsible towards nature. Stop commercial whaling again!!
Beate Gersbeck
Your intelligence gathering is outstanding. We are truly Iceland’s leading newspaper and lucky for you, Einar K. Guðfinnsson is a regular reader. You can rest assured that your letter is hereby reaching him. -Ed.
Dear Icelanders
Western Australia abolished whaling over 20 years ago and tourism whale watching now generates far more jobs than did killing the majestic creatures
ever did.
Iceland will do itself incredible damage through the resumption of whaling because its image is now that of a backward, ignorant and cruel society.
I for one dreamed of visiting Iceland but your resumption of whaling will keep me from your shores.
In addittion many people are now refusing to buy any goods made in Iceland.
David Utting
Western Australia
Well, I do hope that you will get a chance to visit our fair country, sooner rather than later, and take a tour in one of our whale watching boats. Wiser minds must prevail eventually. When you come, could you bring me some kangaroo meat? -Ed.
I read with intrest your story about whale hunting. I would consider my self a green person, In Scotland I would take my cans bottles and paper to recycling for free. I like greenpeace’s save the rain forest, wwf save the tigers, pandas, I think apart from the bar maid in my local bar, tigers are the most amazing thing i have ever seen.
My personal opinion is that is that as far as i can gather the stocks are healthy and i don’t see any problem with harvesting a couple of dozen whales. But i want my grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, maybe to the barmaid MMMMMMmmmmm to see tigers, whales, pandas .elephants, lions. but also the flies we swat with newspapers the mice we set traps for. but the main reason i wrote this letter is is the commment at the end by the brittish ambassador That ASSHOLE and his goverment think marine management is looking after SOLDIERS
Forget about the whales… I need the address and opening hours of your local bar. It sounds as if the barmaid is the one that needs to be harvested. -Ed.
I don’t know Islenska, so I hope you don’t mind me writing to you in English.
As you may know, on October 7, 2006, Magni and Dilana were in Ottawa, Canada for a concert, as part of the Rockstar show. My girlfriend, Cheryl and I taped some video of the concert and uploaded the edited video to the YouTube website.
I encourage you to see these videos and if you think they are good, perhaps you could inform your Icelandic readers to see these videos for themselves? I know you have many fans of Magni and Á Móti Sól and they may find these videos entertaining. We have a received quite a lot of positive feedback from viewers all over the world, such as, “You gave us a window to this concert… it was as if we were right there!” (this quoted from,
These are the song titles and links:
Rebel Yell:
Wicked Games:
Cat’s in the Cradle/Creep:
Time After Time:
Ring of Fire:
Mother, Mother:
Hand in my Pocket:
The first song is performed with a local Canadian group, The Sam Hill Band; all the others were performed with Dilana. “Jason” is the owner of the pub where the concert was being performed outside and is a video clip of him receiving a gift from Dilana and Magni, a toad, in reference to the name of the pub, “The Thirsty Toad”. The weather was perfect for an outdoor concert, rare for October in Ottawa!
If you require any more information, I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have.
P.S. My family name is reputed to have Old Norse origins, so there may be some Eassons in Iceland!
Andrew & Cheryl
Not many people now this, but the Eassons are very closely related to the Ásgeirssons. Historians believe the Eassons moved to Canada after a bloody dispute with the Ásgeirsson family over musical differences. The tale was immortalised in an Asterix comic. Hopefully, this can be the first step towards reconciliation. -Ed.