Sour grapes and stuff
MOST AWESOME LETTER: Dear Scumbag who stole my scooter from the garden behind my house last friday night, If I ever find out who you are my father is going […]
Most Awesome Letter
Hello you all people from the Grapevine and not, from here or there, well Iceland is a small place, so it occurred to me to write a message here, maybe […]
Sour Grapes and Stuff
Iceland has become a poor wild courageous island for the diehards. Most of foreign residents are gone, some Icelanders are too, or planning to be next fall. Of course, the [&hellip
Most Awesome Letter
Dear Sir, I picked up a copy of your newspaper at the domestic airport in Reykjavik. No doubt it is aimed at the young and trendy and that is just […]
Sour grapes and stuff
Dear editor of The ReykjavÃk Grapevine, I read the article about the Dalai Lama’s visit to the University of Iceland, and was truly appalled by Ms. Domurath’s attitude
Sour grapes and stuff
MOST AWESOME LETTER: Since a while I live at Iceland. I enjoy life here and even so the delicacies you can buy here to eat. Lately I went to the […]
My broken Icelandic dream
When I decided to move to Iceland I imagined moving to a country with a fair society and without discrimination. My first job experience was in the City Hostel. I […]
Sour grapes and stuff
Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to Icelandic ReykjavÃk Grapevine Newspaper. I discovered your fine publication through a article in the major broadsheet newspap
Sour Grapes and Stuff We Like
Dear Grapevine, I discovered your magazine as I was to travel to Iceland for the first time, and found it to be the best source for intelligent articles an
Sour Grapes and Stuff We Like
After reading your second editorial I felt like sharing a thought or two about the current situation in our countries. So I considered coming to live in Iceland. See, the [&h
Sour Grapes Issue 01 2009
I was privileged enough to have the opportunity to spend summer 06 and 07 in Iceland, together with my wife Alicia Wilson who played soccer for KR. I messed the [&helli
Sour Grapes Issue 05 2008
Dear editor, Whilst I have some sympathy from the truck drivers and others who earn their living on the road, the high-jacking of the fuel price protests by the 4×4 […]
Sour Grapes Issue 04 2008
Dear ladies and gentlemen, a friend told me Iceland girls look like fairies. Do they? Kindest regards, Yacine Azzouz Dear Azzouz, Do you mean fairies as in gay, or fairies [&hellip
Sour Grapes Issue 03 2008
Dear Madam/Sir, I am a 49-year-old Sri Lankan bank employee interested in exchanging ideas through correspondence with a likeminded Icelander. With a view to having my pen pal requ
Sour Grapes Issue 02 2008
Dear Editor, I moved to Iceland around 6 months ago from Birmingham, England. I moved here to be with my long distance boyfriend of almost 3 years, and after 2 […]
Sour Grapes Issue 01 2008
Dear Iceland, As an American, I am as appalled to read of the treatment of Erla Ósk Arnardóttir as you are. Her minor offense does not justify the extreme and […]
Sour Grapes
Dear Madam, Sir, In the frame of making a filmed documentary for the Belgian television, we have started a worldwide search for individuals born on very specific dates. Our goal [&
Sour Grapes
We were in Iceland last year for our 25th anniversary, and we LIVED on skyr. I am unable to find a domestic supplier of it in the States, and just […]
Sour Grapes
Re: Icelandic Referees Referees play an important role in any sport. Soccer is not the exception. They are in charge of justice on the pitch. However justice does not wear [&hellip
Sour Grapes
Dear Mr. E (Mr. E and Mr. F: so the Grapevine’s Editor and I use to call ourselves within professional contexts, in an unlikely crossover that echoes both American indie [&hellip