Blame Canada?
One by one men in suits of varying shades of grey approached the podium in the pit of the Reykjavík City Hall. One by one they pleaded their cases while […]
Q: Will they ever stop speaking about billions? A: Blablabla … billions … blablabla-blabla … billions and billions and blabions, blablabions and blablablabions. Blablabions?
The Surprising Pleasures Of The North Atlantic
Forget hot springs and hot tubs—it’s time to highlight a slightly more daunting Icelandic activity. It’s time for some sea swimming action. One might wonder why one would wan
Radio To The Other Side: In search of the Real McCoy
‘People fail to notice what they do when awake, just as they forget what they do while asleep.’ Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher, 535 – 475 BCE It was probably somewhere around
Haukur’s 16th Editorial
I’m back. I wrestled the reigns away from Davíð Oddsson. Even though I was excited about some of his new editorial policy (expanding the poetry section, more original fiction),
Load Up On Guns, Bring Your Friends
Designer Sruli Recht and writer/illustrator Megan Herbert recently opened a cool new store, Vopnabúrið (‘The Armoury’) down by the Reykjavík harbour. There, they spend their
Strong Women with a Noble Cause
We all know the reigning gender stereotype on this little island: the men are the strongest in the world and the women are the most beautiful. Well, it’s about time […]
Win A Date With Frímann Frímannsson!
Y’all know him, y’all love him. Here’s your chance to win a four-day date Reykjavík’s premier scenester, the hipster y’all love to love, the one, the only, the inc
One Nation, One Party, One Bank Account?
A year after the economic collapse and one can’t help notice that nothing has really changed. The oligarchs, though officially bankrupt, still control Iceland’s industries. Of
Steering Revolution
Late-night Laugavegur revellers may be forgiven for walking in ignorance past the two green parking spots located near the intersection of Ingólfsstræti. Designated as an electri
Sour Grapes and Stuff
Sour grape of the month A case of POLAR BEER for your thoughts. We’re not gonna lie to you: we really love us some beers. Some folks would call it […]
Tacky, Awesome Crap
Souvenirs are an essential part of any good (or bad) travelling experience. From the smallest token taken from nature (like that pebble in your pocket—or are you just happy to [&
Milos Forman’s Masterclass
Milos Forman is sitting at café Hressó, just about the only bar in Reykjavík where one can still sit and smoke. In his hand he has a very large cigar, […]
Stakes Is High
Gambling has been a touchy subject in Iceland over the years, especially when it involves cards being dealt, small and big blinds. Yet there seems to be a loophole in […]
Small Talk – Important Still
Now, like I already told you, I grew up in a village and thus I mastered, subconsciously, the skill and effectiveness of banal small-talk. After eighteen years in a fjord, [&hellip
The War On Drugs, The War On You
Short and to the point is the word. Here is some common sense: With an economic deathblow being dealt to a crumbling country, keeping assets in the country is paramount. […]
Stuff We Like!
Sports are played. Music is performed. Books have authors. So why is it that the ultra-subversive art collective S.L.Á.T.U.R. is looking for sports authors and performers? Just wh
It’s Back to School Time!
A new season is upon us. The summer months that have treated us so well have now bid us adieu, as have the tourists and the long, bright days. Temperatures […]
Why Whale?
I’m worried. Quite troubled and downright concerned. But before looking further into the subject at hand, I would like to plea for some sort of understanding from the general pub
The Party on Top Of the World
Brace yourself for the Eve Online Fanfest where Icelandic gaming company CCP opens its doors to hundreds of players and entertainment press from around the world. Those unfamiliar
Dirty Deeds Bought Dirt Cheap?
Reykjavík City Council approved the sale of 32 percent of Reykjanes-based geothermal energy plant HS Orka to Canadian-come-Swedish company Magma Energy on September 16th in front