Protest Through The Lens Of: SvarTTrast
Photographer Jóhann Þröstur Pálmason – AKA SvarTTrast – was present at Austurvöllur and Þjóðleikhúsið on the eve of Wednesday 21.01.2009. This is the fateful
Protest Through The Lens Of: Siggi Gunnars
Sigurður Gunnarsson shot these photos during the first day – TUESDAY – of the Rainbow Revolution protests. He is a very gifted photographer from Ísafjörður, Iceland
Stuff We Like!
We’re pretty into our new issue, that of February 2009. We’re pretty into our new issue, that of February 2009. Find it lying all around Reykjavík-town (and some other
Community without Authority
I am an anarchist and I know that the individuals who have placed themselves in power are dangerous to my community and me; therefore I consider them my enemies and […]
I Am Not An Icelander
I am an Icelandic person, living in New York. I don’t much care for the term ‘Icelander’. Not for any moral reason or ideological distinction, I just don’t like the [&helli
Monsters and Mythical Beings – Tilberi
This eleventh instalment in our Hugleikur Dagsson illustrated series of Iceland’s monsters and mythical beings (or are they?) tells of the Tilberi. And boy, is that one fuc
Stuff We Like!
‘All of Them Must Go’ – Naomi Klein’s recent Nation column is an excellent read. It directs some much-needed attention to the fact that politicians worldwide seem unable to
Stuff We Like!
In “Ice Storm”, Portfolio writer Joshua Hammer has crafted an eyebrow-raising and extremely readable profile of Iceland’s first lady, Dorrit Moussaieff, and her husband as th
What The Fuck Did I Ever Do To You?!?
On the eve of Monday January 19, I strolled the fifty meters or so that separate my home from that of my friend (and former Grapevine editor) Sveinn Birkir Björnsson. […]
The Republic of Iceland FAQ
The Icelandic government, led by the Independence Party and Social Democrat Alliance, imploded last month after a year and a half in power. A new minority coalition formed by the [
Iceland’s Rainbow Revolution
Prologue: By early afternoon on January 20th 2009, it was obvious that it was going to be a historic day. Just how the day, and the ones that followed, would […]
What is the significance of Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir…
It is very significant. It is interesting to note how much attention it has received from the international media, while their Icelandic colleagues barely mention it. If they do, t
Police Story
I saw police officers pepperspraying innocent journalists just standing around with their cameras. A peace lovin’ friend got run over and bashed with a club. Another was forced t
Stuff We Like!
We really like the view from our new office! Seriously, check it out! Yes, we’ve moved from our old Vesturgata headquarters, into our old Hafnarstræti headquarters. Ha
Anti-Whalers Respond To Ben Frost
22nd January 2009 Ref: Ben Frost Responds To Anti Whalers. Dear Sir/Madam, I have just read Mr Ben Frost’s letter in reply to a letter received from a German citizen […]
Stuff We Like!
The coffee is plain excellent, the atmosphere enticing and the price is right. These are some of the reasons why Café d’Haiti is one of Grapevine’s favourite downtown cafés.
Europe Wakes Up To Crisis
At last, the rest of the world has been shaken awake from its slumber of indifference, although it has taken the downfall of the entire Iceland government to make them […]
The Break-Up
Dear Geir: Our relationship, I’m afraid to say, has run its course. I guess I’m partially to blame. Maybe I should have gotten to know you better before I asked [&helli
Things Falling Apart – Tuesday’s Protest In Photos
Photographer Jóhann Þröstur Pálmason – AKA SvarTTrast – was present at Austurvöllur on the eve of Tuesday 20.01.2009. This is the fateful night as seen through his
Stuff We Like!
Set to commence this evening and go on through the weekend, the Melodica Acoustic Festival is a brilliant display of community spirit and brotherly love between musicians of all di