Well, You Asked: Switching Babies With A Cooler Couple
You’ve got questions. We’ve got inflated-confidence. Here’s your weekly dose of Grape-vice. What would Meatloaf NOT do for love? I am confused. Ah, the age-old
Gods Of Iceland: Hel, The Goth Loner Half-Zombie Queen
Superpowers: Owns a hellish underworld. Weaknesses: Susceptible to sulking. Very few friends. Half-zombie. Modern Analogue: Weird loner goth kid who becomes a dictator and punishes
Where Is The New Constitution? – A Nation Still Waits For Iceland 2.0
The collapse of Iceland’s economy in late 2008 incited a tremendous amount of anger in the nation’s people. While the Special Investigation Commission sought to determine who a
Well, You Asked: How To Get Rid Of Everyone You Disagree With
You asked, we answered. So don’t blame us. Will there be a civil war in the U.S. after the elections? Short answer: Yes. How? Captain America will go rouge after […]
Gods Of Iceland: Loki, A Nonbinary Icon Of Mischief
Superpowers: Shapeshifting, instigating Weaknesses: Serpent venom Modern Analogue: Double Trouble from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Although one of the most written-about fig
Just Sayings: “Öll er æfin dauði”
Are you hating the pandemic? Don’t like the looming death in every man’s cough? Well, here is an optimistic way to look at things: the ancient Icelandic idiom “Öll er [&hell
Horror-Scopes: I’m No Expert, But…
We can’t predict the results of the U.S. election, but the Grapevine’s dedicated team of amateur astrologists know pretty much everything else. Including what you’re doing ri
Well, You Asked: Gotta Spend Money To Make Money!
Got a burning question? In desperate need of advice? We at the Grapevine are here to help. What does a girl have to do to make money around here? There’s […]
Gods Of Iceland: Bragi, The Harp Playing Hipster
Superpowers: Eloquent as fuck. Weaknesses: May actually not have been a God at all. Modern Analogue: Hosts weekly poetry slams at the local book shop. Bragi was the God of [&hellip
Just Sayings: “Betra er að vera góðs manns frilla en gefin illa”
As you have perhaps heard, Icelanders are pretty liberal when it comes to their love lives. But that said, the saying “Betra er að vera góðs manns frilla en gefin […]
Well, You Asked: Becoming A Biscuit
Got a burning question? In desperate need of advice? We at the Grapevine are here to help. How do I reach my full potential? There is an age old legend […]
Gods Of Iceland: Baldr, The Really Hot & Perfect One
Superpowers: Really hot, has a big ship, really hot, did I mention he’s hot? Weaknesses: Mistletoe, obviously. Modern Analogue: Annoyingly handsome privileged frat boy who you ca
Just Sayings: “Að lifa eins og blóm í eggi”
Is everything going great? Are you “living the life”? Well then—in Iceland—you are “living like a flower in an egg.” This saying might be confusing for those who know t
Last Words: The GOP Proves Zombies Would Win
In Max Brooks’ superb novel ‘World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War’, a zombie virus is created—curiously, due to tainted water in a small town in China, […]
RVK Futurecast #3: A New Cloud-Native Massive Multiplayer
Kjartan has been part of the gaming industry in Iceland for as long as I can remember. He spoke in the first ever Startup Iceland in 2012 about CCP Games. […]
Ask An…Elf Expert: Do Elves Disrupt Construction Work?
Over the years, stories about Iceland have appeared in international media that have captured everyone’s imagination, particularly about construction work being sabotaged—by el
Food, Friends, Fitness and Family: Seth Sharp’s Perfect Day
Seth Sharp is a DJ, producer, singer and vocal coach originally from the US. His perfect day? A perfect mix of fitness, food, family and friends. Morning I stare out […]
Food Of Iceland: Hverabrauð – Rye Bread, But Make It Volcanic
What do you do when you’ve tried a food, enjoyed it, but found that it’s not quite Icelandic enough? That’s right, you put it in a volcano! Well, maybe don’t […]
Well, You Asked: White Collar Tax Fraud
Got a burning question? In desperate need of advice? We at the Grapevine are here to help. How do I move out of home? Get arrested. It’s time to get […]
Gods of Iceland: Rán, The Goddess Who Will Literally Drown You
Superpowers: Will literally drown you Weaknesses: None Modern analogue: A woman who will literally drown you Rán is the wife of Ægir, a jötunn (a kind of giant) associated with
Iceland’s Unlikely Role In Space Exploration: From 1965 And Into The Future
With the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, Earth’s exploration of space began in earnest. Since then, the focus had been primarily on two countries—Russia and the United States—al