Body Talk: A Dancer And An Actress Converse, Prepare To Shake Things Up
Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir and Erna Ómarsdóttir are performers who, although their reputations precede them, are too busy making quality work to spend much time bathing in the l
Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 13, 2015
Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: –––––––––– Dear team at grapevine, First of all having a source of information a
Lately, we at Grapevine often find ourselves in a somewhat difficult position when it comes to reporting on life in Iceland. On one hand, we are clearly and proudly a […]
Never Underestimate The Obvious
To answer a question posed in this column little over a month ago: yes, it seems that we did detain a man for carrying HIV. Racist histrionics The man referred […]
So What’s This I Keep Hearing About Rising Inequality in Iceland?
There are many reasons for rising inequality in the world, but in Iceland the main cause is simple. The current right-wing government has lowered taxes affecting the rich. To illus
The Real Pit Problem
As many of you may have noticed, we have a Pit Problem. This is quickly becoming an Icelandic tradition: get an idea, get some fancypants investors, dig a hole, lose […]
An Aging McDonald’s Hamburger At The Edge Of The Arctic
Earlier this year, local media feasted on a story about Iceland’s last surviving McDonald’s hamburger, reportedly purchased the day before the fast food chain closed shop in 20
Binders, Not Papers, Full Of Women
Back in the first quarter of 2001, Iceland’s Ministry of Education released an extensive report on women in media (PDF). Through wide-ranging surveys that examined a whole week o
Searching For New Iceland Part 5: The Mystery Of The Goolies
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that the Icelanders in Manitoba were nicknamed “Goolies,” which started out as a slur but has later been reclaimed as something of a term […
Iceland’s Most Pöpulår Reståurånt!
The IKEA restaurant in Garðabær has only 18 reviews on TripAdvisor. Mainly, these focus on the economic value of the meals—especially compared to how notoriously expensive food
In The Eye Of The Swarm: The Beekeepers Of Iceland
The paved road transitions to dirt just south of Mosfellsbær, but Torbjørn’s new electric car handles the change smoothly. “I have two hives out here at Hafravatn,” he
Unpopular Opinion: Why SlutWalk Will Not Save Feminism
I remember my first SlutWalk. It was in September of 2011. The original 2011 SlutWalk in Toronto had quickly picked up steam as it spread globally, throughout Canada and the Unite
Do You Read Me?—Inequality In The Intellectual World
Summer 2013. The cover of the British magazine Port declares that a new golden age in print media is underway. The magazine’s cover is minimalist—black letters spelling out the
News In Brief: Early August
Don’t believe the hype. Despite plenty of news coverage detailing dangerous stunts by tourists in the past few months, Icelanders still love you guys! According to a new poll fro
The Crisis In Greece Seen Through Icelandic Eyes
In October 2008, Iceland was hit by a ton of bricks in the form of three collapsing banks. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed to help Iceland out with a […]
Show Up Naked On Monday And You’ll Get A Free Phone
As a great number of Icelanders camped out in front of Reykjavík’s Dunkin’ Donuts hoping to be one of the first 50 ever patrons and thus receive year’s worth of [&helli
Don’t Ask Nanna: About Souvenirs
Dear Nanna, What’s the coolest souvenir I can buy in Iceland? Best, Future Shopper Dear Future Shopper, Anything in the shape of Iceland, that has the shape of Iceland painte
Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 12, 2015
Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: –––––––––– On Aug 12, 2015, at 8:58 PM, Ana Maria wrote: Hi! I’m a freelan
Anna’s Editorial: Guys, You’ve Got Us All Wrong!
Earlier this month, Dunkin’ Donuts opened shop on our main drag, and if you haven’t noticed, it’s kind of a big deal. For more than a week now, there has […]
Who Are Iceland’s Shadow Editors?
Study shows bloggers and social media commenters may have biggest impact on what Iceland’s journalists say—and don’t. Here at the Grapevine we are, admittedly, more prone to
Meet Robert Barber, Obama’s Controversial Pick For US Ambassador
In October 2013, President Obama nominated Boston lawyer Robert Barber to succeed Luis Arreaga as US Ambassador to Iceland—a choice that drew surprisingly intense scrutiny and cr