American Food Chain Dunkin’ Donuts Is Poised To Appear Around Iceland
Stepping out onto the main street of most European capitals these days, it would be plain odd not to see a Starbucks or a McDonald’s. American food chains have become [&helli
Tub Tales: Learning To Let Go Of Body Shame
Swimming pools and Icelanders go hand-in-hand like drunks on a Saturday night and Ali Baba kebabs. Even the smallest towns in Iceland have a local swimming pool complex, resplenden
Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 5, 2015
Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: — I WAS STATIONED IN ICELAND FROM ’67-’69. I ENJOYED EATING AT A REYKJAVIK RESTAURANT
Anna’s Editorial: Our Prime Minister Eating Things
The average Icelander probably doesn’t find parliamentary debates all that exciting. This week, however, they’ve been all the buzz. Why is that? Because our prime minister, the
Don’t Ask Nanna: Why Icelanders Eat Shark
Too Many Books: Do Icelandic Publishers Need To Chill Out?
The annual jólabókaflóð, or Christmas Book Flood, is a beloved Icelandic tradition. Every year around Christmastime, publishing houses across Iceland unleash a deluge of new bo
Why Is Everyone So Angry About That Pink Geyser?
Last week, Marco Evaristti made the geyser Strokkur erupt in pink, and the general population of Iceland went nuts. Even though the food colouring he used had completely evaporated
Don’t Ask Nanna: About Ask Guðmundur
Dear Nanna, What is the deepest ravine in Iceland? – Spelunker Dear Spelunker, The Prime Minister’s approval ratings! ZING! – Nanna Dear Nanna, I
Collect ‘Em All: When Reykjavík’s Bums Appeared On Postcards
Being able to live anonymously is one of the great perks of modern civilisation. In a big city today, it’s possible to go about your life outside of the scrutiny […]
Who Knew Banking Was Really About Dead Cats?
The Reykjavik District Court is now one week into what has been dubbed the “large Kaupthing market manipulation case.” So far, the court heard the oral testimony of two traders
Don’t Ask Nanna: About Icelandic Skyr
Hey Nanna, What’s with all the skyr hype? I don’t get it. I mean it’s OK, I don’t hate it or anything, but I was expecting a lot more given […]
5 Reasons Why Icelandic Winter Is Better Than Summer
Tomorrow is the first day of summer in Iceland. The common mythos of Icelandic summer is one of eternal light and endless days. The countryside becomes a green expanse of […
Is The Fear of Showering Naked Preventing Tourists From Enjoying The Best Iceland Has To Offer?
Visits to the great public pools of Reykjavík have not increased anywhere near as much as city officials would have expected given the tourism boom. Why? One explanation is a [&he
A Visit To Quest – Hair, Beer & Whisky Saloon
To be blunt, the nightlife in 105 Reykjavík leaves something to be desired. So, when I heard that a new barber/whiskey bar was opening I was very excited. It’s perfect […
Bankers On Trial, Again
The Reykjavík District Court began hearing oral testimony on Monday in the largest case relating to the events leading up to the crash of 2008. Nine former managers of Kaupthing [
SagaPro: Pure Bollocks
The company behind SagaPro claims the herbal supplement is clinically proven to aid those with bladder problems reduce the frequency of bathroom visits. However, cold, hard science
Danes Continue To Exploit Iceland, Now Selling Skyr In The UK
Danish milk producer Arla has begun selling skyr in the UK, the dairy product’s Icelandic origin being a point of emphasis in the marketing campaign. “So what is it that g
A Letter On Icelandic Racism, That Doesn’t Bloody Exist.
Dear Grapevine, Those few articles on Icelandic racism posted on this website recently have greatly annoyed me. Let me explain myself. I am Dutch. “Ohhh, she’s white, she doesn
That Time The United States Was Thinking Of Buying Iceland
“The population of Iceland is about 70,000, but in view of its pasture and arable lands, its valuable mines, its splendid fisheries, and its unsurpassed hydraulic power, it could
Your Weekly Postcard From Reykjavík – Last Week Of Winter
Here’s some good news: According to ancient Viking elfin Northern Lights tradition, Sumardagurinn fyrsti – Iceland’s Official First Day Of Summer – will occ
7 Reasons Why Iceland Sucks, Or At Least Isn’t What Tourists Thinks It Is
Iceland is beautiful, no doubt about it. Indeed, we all love hearing about societies made up of creative and eccentric weirdos living dangerously close to the edge of the map. [&he