Danny Pollock
Rokk í Reykjavík band: Bodies
Best known for: Having fistfights with his brother on stage when the latter tried to trash guitars
Danny Pollock was around from the beginning of Icelandic Punk, guitarist for Utangarðsmenn, the biggest band on the scene, and then Bodies, the band that appeared in Rokk í Reykjavík.
“When we were in Utangarðsmenn we went to the manager of Hótel Borg and asked if we could play on Thursday nights as there was nothing happening then. We advertised and 800 people showed up…that got the ball rolling right there. Me and Einar Örn went out and found all these garage bands to play with us.”
How would you explain the popularity the movement here had, whereas in America for instance punk was a very marginal movement?
“Mostly because of it’s size. I mean if you fart in this corner over here they’re gonna smell it over there. It had a tremendous impact on the society. What we sang about began to be discussed in the newspapers and analyzed in the University.” Mike Pollock, Danny’s brother and fellow guitarist, is still a working musician. Maggi, Bodies drummer has recently joined up with a newly formed Ego and has also found God and has been working with the church. Danny has dedicated his life to rock and roll and is currently running a rehearsal space for bands located in an old fish factory.
Current profession: Rehearsal space manager