Zonet: Ólafur Haukur Símonarson: Allt í góðu. Compilation album of songs by renowned playwright, featuring KK among others and the irrepressible Heiða.
Búdrýgindi: Juxtapós
Skífan: Kristján Jóhannsson: Portami Via. Veteran opera singers’ first album in six years. Kristján sings in Italian and English. Proceeds of album sales will not go to charity.
Quarashi: Guerilla Disco. First album in three years from State breakers.
Hæsta hendin: Hæsta hendin. Erpur from Rottweiler takes on the competition.
12 Tónar: Eivör Pálsdóttir: Eivör. A more toned down follow up to last year’s masterpiece Krákan.
Mugison: Mugimama is this monkey music. The boy from Ísafjörður moves to Reykjavík and lives up to the hype.
Antlew Maximum: Pioneer rappers latest.
Indigo: Too late to Shine. One of the shining lights of the acoustic scene’s third album.
Tenderfoot: Without Gravity. More acoustic music.
Various Artists: Jólaplata. Indie musicians´ Christmas themed benefit album for destitute mothers.
Various Artists: Free Palestine. The cream of Iceland’s up and comers release benefit album for a refugee camp.
Pornopop: and the slow songs about the dead calm in your arms. Surprisingly strong follow up from misnamed group.