The Reykjavik Grapevine

Release Concert FRENZY Tonight!

Everyone’s two favourite Icelandic albums from last year are being celebrated tonight, with massive release concert party fun shindigs a go-go carrying on through the night. The records in question are of course Prinspóló’s ‘Jukk’ and Agent Fresco’s ‘A Long Time Listening’, and both of them of course received glowing reviews right here in the Grapevine, as well as scoring high on the annual year-end polls (of
course!). Why? Because they are great, that’s why.
Now, there were other great Icelandic albums released last year. That’s a given. But they’re not having any parties for those albums tonight, so that’s why we’re not mentioning them. Go read Bob Cluness’ blog or maybe Wim Van Hooste’s (or our back issues) if you feel like reading about more great albums that were released last year. Just do what you feel, man (but you’ve gotta stop living in the past eventually).
Now. Prinspóló’s show takes place at Faktorý bar starting at 22:00 (sans opening act, so they can “[…]bathe in the glorious spotlight without any interlopers casting a shadow,” according to a band representative). Tickets are 1.000 ISK and we hear there are still some left.
Agent Fresco’s show is happening at Austurbær (a really nice former movie theatre by Snorrabraut that’s sometimes used for such events), and the band promises to play all of the songs from its new album in glorious order, starting at 21:00 sharp. Tickets are 1.500 ISK pre-sale, 2.000 at the door (although we hear they might be selling out, so do buy a pre-sale one if you can, to avoid disappointment and stuff).
So, fun night ahead. See you there.