The Reykjavik Grapevine

Track Of The Issue: múm, 0,000Orð

Everyone loves their múm. We certainly do. They have remained one of Iceland’s premier bands for well over a decade now, and they continue to amaze, while inspiring younger generations of musicians with their carefree-yet-ethical attitudes towards music, life, love and everything that comes with being in a band. Our musical landscape would certainly be different with out them. A lot worse, more bleak. Life without múm would suck, so thank you, múm!

And now múm have a new thing out! It’s not exactly a new album; it is a compilation of music from their first years as a band, a whopping fifteen songs made between 1998 and 2000 that most of us are yet to hear. The album portrays a band in the making, musicians in formation,  a whole lotta good ideas and great spirits put to tape. Seek out the album, but start by downloading our free track for this issue, “0,000Orð”.
Download it here