Megasukk: Hús datt
Hús datt is a collection of 21 deliciously short collaborations between perverted drunkard/master wordsmith Megas and oddball country duet Súkkat, and the result walks a fine lin
Björgvin Halldórsson: Ár og öld
It should come as no surprise that middle-aged pop celebrity Björgvin Halldórsson’s dabbling in country, rock and blues have aged far better than his cheesy, contrived power ba
Hjálmar: Hjálmar
Swedish-Icelandic reggae group Hjálmar’s self-titled sophomore release is its predecessor’s superior in every way. The songs have lost their careless let’s-all-get-high atmo
Sálin hans Jóns míns: Undir þínum áhrifum
Sálin have seemingly discarded their usual forthrightness for a more scattered, loose approach, opting for a blander, more finely crafted style of guitar-pop than the catchy, hook
Worm Is Green: Push Play
A placid, atmospheric selection of electro trip-hop with a lyrical fixation on lonely robots, Push Play oozes listlessly from song to song, finding comfort in radio-friendly conten
Svala: Bird of Freedom
Endearing attempts at halfway-decent pop composition occasionally poke through on this soulless, soggy stool sample of an album, but they are almost completely buried under a mount
Ampop: My Delusions
Why does everyone whose band can do a halfway-passable impression of Radiohead suddenly think they’re qualified musicians? I don’t propose to answer that, but I will tell you t
Ðe lónlí blú bojs: Komplít
If you feel like buying a Björgvin Halldórsson album (may God have mercy on your soul), but don’t have the financial standings to shell out 2,500 ISK for the three-disc [&helli
Editor’s Choice
Hairdoctor: Shampoo Hairdoctor snuck up on us—known more for their hairdressing and DJing at Sirkus bar, they seemed to be taking advantage of the good will they’d built up whe