The Reykjavik Grapevine

Fantastic Four – Original Melody

“Not too much stress…simple rhythms, nice melodies…just makes me feel good, you know what I’m sayin’?”…or so quoth an anonymous gentleman in a sample in the closing moments of the third track, and he’s pretty much right on the money. But while they are definitely melodious – laid-back beats sampled from jazz, ragtime and such coupled with easygoing sequencers and synthesisers form the basis of their music – Fantastic Four have yet to live up to the first half of their name, and it is a telling statement on their belief in originality and being themselves that not a single song on the entire album (23 tracks in all) sounds like it was made by an Icelandic hip-hop band, but rather by an established American act.
But I digress. Original Melody is a good album, faultless and solid and containing its share of strong tracks (Do What You Gotta Do!, Imagination) and what I interpret as banality may just be their interpretation of professionalism, but for now it seems like Fantastic Four are content with simply contributing to the scene instead of pushing its boundaries.