The Reykjavik Grapevine

Til Hamingju Ísland! – 20 Ár í Eurovision

Maybe it’s just my odd sense of patriotism, but Iceland’s entries into the Eurovision Song Contest don’t seem to sexually violate one’s ear as badly as most of the other participants’ ‘songs’. They seem to have a fairly cheap and unpolished quality to them, and this, coupled with the occasional use of a live instrument, gives them a vague vitality in the otherwise sickening musical vomitorium of Eurovision. However, if you were hoping to actually enjoy listening to a CD, then you had best give this one a miss, for what you hold in your mortal hands when fondling this double CD case is a collection of the very worst in Icelandic music. From Stefán Hilmarsson’s impossibly bombastic crooning of the worst lyrics ever in Nina, to the pure and utter stupidity of songs like Shoobe-doo and Socrates, to the mind-boggling lameness of If It’s Gonna End In Heartache, One More Song and the absolutely pathetic Bank Of Fun; that song should by all rights have been a herald of the idiocy to come, but for some reason the signs when unheeded. Only Páll Óskar and the subtle gothic dreamhaze of 1997’s My Dear break up this murderous lame-fest of musical travesties.