Skátar – Ghost of the Bollocks to Come
Riding high on an indie rock wave, comes the Reykjavík fivesome Skátar with their first studio album, and it has its irregular glorious moments. With a barrage of guitars, bass doodles and whacky keyboards that at times seem to be heading in different directions and lyrics that mostly repeat a single sentence; it is not the most accessible CD the first time around, but the quirkiness grows on you. The first seven minutes of Taco n’ Surf a Prayer is the best song of the album, although I could well have done without the full minute of pointless noises that follow. Behind their experimental approach, Skátar have delivered a somewhat interesting but inconsistent album; they seldom fail to impress, but they sometimes fail to entertain. To be fair, many songs on the CD sound as if they need to be enjoyed in a live setting to be fully appreciated. SBB