The Reykjavik Grapevine

Circle of Ouroborus

A great idea, but shitty production robs them of any glory.
What is it with the Finns when it comes to music? Perhaps it’s their landscape or the lack of sunlight, but whenever they make music it almost seems that they are bound by law to make it as twisted, dark and brooding as possible. These guys are no exception. While Circle of Ouroborus have been labelled as “progressive Black metal,” the bony fingers of 80’s New wave and post punk are all over their sound. The best way I can describe them is if Joy Division’s Ian Curtis listened to heavy metal instead of David Bowie. Certainly songs such as a “Root Casket” have lashings of blackness and trepidation. But all of this is undone by truly shoddy production that overloads the guitars, makes the drums almost inaudible and the vocals sound like they’ve been done in the studio toilets. Damn, so close but a ruined opportunity to make a new take on metal music.