A not-so-wise man once said football was ‘a game of two halves’. This album is without a doubt an LP of two halves. Whilst the intro to the first track, Spin Again, could explode either into tech-death metal madness or set off bombs of dark house depth, it wibbles around a little before settling down into several tracks of Depeche Mode-ish neo-gothiness, all low-down and deadpan and oh-so-serious about itself. It’s not bad as such but god, guys, go get an ice-cream eh?
Luckily, by the time Martinique Pyknic sidles in, half time has been and gone, and things from here on in are lot more experimental on the arrangement and far more interesting: that track itself actually having a lot of Serge Gainsbourg about it. Cinderbox closes it off with a glitchy, vibey, spacey soundscape and salvages a score draw.