The Reykjavik Grapevine


Like one of those moody hipsters that hangs in the background and mumbles a lot, Kimono are back with a new album! And the title is bloody awful! Easy Music For Difficult People is the sort of title that Nickleback would use when they´re trying to be edgy. However that´s the only bad thing I have to say about this album.
I´ve heard the term “Progressive indie rock” coined for Kimono and it´s a pretty apt description. Think Shellac after they listened to too many mid-70´s Rush albums. This is most evident in “Black” and “Animal” where the vocal stylings are pure Jethro Tull. Compared to their last album, Easy is a lot more immediate and urgent. The drums sound more thunderous, the guitars are more guttural and growling, while the vocals are frantic and yelping (perhaps the producer got out his cattle prod “motivational tool”). And clocking in at under 30 minutes, it just socks you with baritone power and then finishes, saying “Call me” without leaving it´s number. But like the guitar rock slut that I am, it just makes me want to go back the beginning and play it again (and again)…