Uni: Enchanted

On the cover sleeve of Enchanted, Uni gives the impression of being otherworldly and inhabiting the spheres of artists such as Bat for Lashes, Tori Amos and the Grand Priestess Overlord herself, Björk. Either that or a startled meerkat with some tinfoil stuck on its face; to be honest, there isn’t much difference between the two really.  
Indeed, the first track, I Miss You, starts off with a ghostly mournful vocal that augurs something profound. However, the album then immediately settles into a downbeat folk sound sprinkled with a country twang that struggles to get out of first gear. And this is a shame, as there are moments of sonic gold trying to break out. Butterfly Garden, for instance, has a wonderful melody and chorus that’s crying out for some heavy booms and wails to bring out the inner turmoil. She Knows sees Uni let rip with a chorus that would give PJ Harvey the shivers. But these moments are too few and far between. More forest spirits, less blandness next time…