The Coma Cluster: Observation

The Coma Cluster is a project consisting of Hallvarður Ásgeirsson (Stórsveit Nix Noltes), composer Siffvilnius, and musicians from Denmark and Japan. They’ve used the internet to create their debut across 3 continents without meeting in person. Interesting, but is it any good?
The answer is a solid yes. The first half of the album sounds as if Godspeed! You Black Emperor and Tangerine Dream decided to compose the soundtrack to a French/Japanese remake of the film Dune: equal parts doom and full-on space rock. The second half has a more intimate mix of shoegaze & dark ambient sounds. Guitars shimmer and crash around you while vocals bubble under the surface with threatening intent.  If your fancy the sounds of far away galaxies colliding and stars collapsing, then this is a definite buy.