The Reykjavik Grapevine

Me, the Slumbering Napoleon: The Bloody Core Of It

A while ago I reviewed MTSN´s debut EP and gave it a cautious thumbs up for its scuzzy rock sound. Now I’m taking it all back. I had really high hopes with this album, but after listening to it, it becomes obvious that they put only their good songs on the EP.
God this was like being sprayed with hot faeces while listening to those awful school bands that would jam in the music department during lunchtime. The guitar sound may be heavy, but I wasn’t getting any passion, spark, nothing that made me go “YEAH! Brilliant! Destroy!”.
The nadir is “I hate to fuck”, where they play some notes on a scale VERY SLOWLY with interminable gaps in between. Then it’s followed by a “hangers on applause,” like they’re the fucking Red Hot Chilli Peppers or something. And that sort of thing makes a little bit of me die inside every time…