The Reykjavik Grapevine

Megas og Strengir: Aðför að lögum

An Icelandic legend, a veritable local Bob Dylan/Tom Waits/eccentric troubadour, Megas is a staple of many Icelandic homes; I am certainly not alone in having been raised with the sound of his strange voice filling the living room at regular intervals.
For his latest album ‘Aðför að Lögum,’ Megas worked with a string quintet and used music composed by his son Þórður. Apart from his usual clever lyrics (which will be missed by those who don’t understand the language), the music itself is difficult and not something that will be gracing my cd player regularly. The opener is a particularly discordant track, which if played instrumentally could be from the soundtrack of a horror film. The rest of the album moves along the same lines, and while it could possibly be considered interesting by those inclined to these things, it is not for the faint-hearted.