The Reykjavik Grapevine

Song For Wendy: Meeting Point

I’m not quite sure, but I think this is a failed attempt to make folk songs out of various poems. I’m sorry, I know it’s wrong to second-guess musicians’ intent when they set about making albums, but I’m just trying to describe what’s going on here in the simplest possible terms. Again, I’m sorry.
Anyway, I use the word ‘failed’ because although the poems are well chosen, and the tandem singing quite good, if a little emotionally flat, the accompanying songs are infantile, pointless and brainlessly euphoric, and the production shallow and artificial. But if the goal was some weird, über-ironic attempt to poke fun at the poems by giving them simplistic and unvarying folk-pop to go with them, then this is a raging success.
But I don’t think this is the case, because ‘I Wish I Didn’t Talk So Much At Parties’ is actually pretty damn good, with its nodding drum machine and slow-attack string synths sighing their way through one of the album’s more accessible lyrics; even the chord progression has more depth than the rest of the album combined. So, not a total failure, then.