The Reykjavik Grapevine

How Abstract Can You Get, Ghostigital?

This brainchild of the mighty Einar Örn Benediktsson and the also-mighty Curver needs no introduction. So you won’t get one. But by all means go and see the excellent show they’ve put together at Tjarnarbíó on Saturday. It will be epic-slash-massive.


Who are you? What can we expect from your Airwaves appearance, and what can we expect of you in general? 


We set the standard so we do not know.


What are some of the acts you want to see at this festival, and why? 


The acts we are going to see definitely are the acts we have curated to appear on our bill, Í Tómu Tjóni.


Are there any acts missing from the bill that you’d like to see on there? 


No, not really, better not have any wish list beyond our curated bill. Therefore, everything outside that will be a plus.


Wow. There are, like, one million ‘international’ acts on this year’s schedule. Have you heard of any of them? Are you excited to see any of them?  


Yes, one, Ghostigital.


Looking back, do you have a favourite edition of Iceland Airwaves? And if so, why? 


No, all of them are quite good.


A lot of our readers are first time Airwaves-visitors. Do you have any tips for them? What to see, what to do, what to avoid, etc? Where to buy records? Or a good place to grab a bite or get away from it all for a while?


Just stick around for joy, and joy will find you.


Given that most Airwaves-visitors won’t have a lot of time in their schedule to see the Icelandic countryside, are there any nature-havens close by that you’d reccommend?


Bah! Reykjavík rocks. That is enough. Have a look at Esja.


Has a lot changed in the Icelandic music scene since Airwaves 2009? How about Airwaves 2002? 


Uh! One year older? More wrinkles. Less depth. More allskonar.


Who are your favourite Icelandic acts these days? 


Captain Fufanu, DJ Flugvél & Geimskip, Biogen, AMFJ, Sudden Weather Change, Sigurður Guðjónsson, Skelkur í bringu, Miri, and of course the amazing Kría Brekkan.


A lot of international journalists like to ask: “How has kreppa affected the Icelandic music scene.” Do you think the question is valid? Do you have a preferred way of answering it? 


Bah, we need more bass to rock the city.


Anything else? 


Time to learn.