Harlem’s walls are essentially a permanent exhibition of some of the best contemporary Icelandic artists. Fittingly, young artists and art students make up a considerable chunk of the crowd. They engage in intensive table dancing, pouring beer on the floor, breaking glass and feeling like sardines.
20:00 DJ. Flugvél og Geimskip
20:50 Grúska Babúska
21:40 Tonik
22:30 Love & Fog
23:20 NOLO
00:10 Legend
19:30 DJ Andre
20:20 Thizone
21:00 Subminimal
21:50 Quadruplos
22:40 Skurken
23:30 Futuregrapher
00:20 Tanya & Marlon
20:00 Lord Pusswhip
20:50 Magnoose
21:40 M-Band
22:30 Berndsen
23:20 Slow Magic (US)
00:20 Captain Fufanu
01:20 Fknhndsm
02:20 Oculus
03:10 Terrordisco
20:00 Árni2
20:40 Tonik
21:30 Kajak
22:30 Nite Jewels (US)
23:20 Fatima Al Qadiri (KW)
00:30 The Mansisters (DK/IS)
01:30 Hermigervill
02:30 Pedro Pilatus
03:10 Hermigervill & Pedro Pilatus DJ Set
21:00 Retrobot
22:00 Hellvar
23:00 Emmsjé Gauti
00:00 UMTBS