Most Icelanders Support Government
A recent Capacent poll shows that most Icelanders support the current minority government. About 60% of those polled said they support the Social Democrat/Leftist-Green coalition.
At the same time, the Conservative Party remains the one with the largest support, with 29%, with the Social Dems close behind within a single percentage point. 25% said they support the Leftist-Greens, while the Progressives lag far behind at 13%. The LIberal Party, the L-list, and the Association of Independent Candidates stand at about 2% each while the Citizen’s Movement and Iceland’s Movement are at about 1%. Have in mind as well that Iceland’s Movement has recently joined forces with the Social Dems.
Some 85% of those polled said it was very likely that they would vote on 25 april. This would be about 20% greater than the voter turn-out during the 2007 parliamentary elections.
While the poll showed that about 60% support the government, a recent poll from newspaper Fréttablaðið and television station Stöð 2 showed that 55% would like to see a government comprised solely of the Social Dems and the Leftist-Greens. As it is, the Progressive Party is the third player that keeps the minority coalition together.