New Poll: Government Support Waning, Conservatives Largest
According to a new poll conducted by Gallup, support for the parties in
the ruling coalition has taken a significant decline, while support for
conservatives is growing.
At the last election, support for the two parties currently in power – the Social Democrats and the Leftist-Greens – was at 30% and 22% respectively. Today, that support is at 25% and 18%.
By contrast, the conservative Independence Party – which led the country before and during the financial collapse, and whose former party chairman, Davíð Oddsson, was chairman of the Central Bank during this time – has seen an increase of support from 24% to 28%, making it the party with the greatest support in the country.
The Civic Movement has seen a modest increase in support, from 7% to 9%, but the biggest surprise of all is that the Progressive Party now has the support of 17% of the nation – the highest it has registered since August 2003.
7,000 Icelanders were polled in all, with 60% responding. The margin of error is estimated between 0.2% and 1.5%.