Vote on Increasing Aluminum Plant To be Held
A repeat of a vote that took place in 2007 – on whether or not the Alcan aluminum smelter in Hafnarfjörður can increase in size – will be held, possibly this March.
In 2007, the plant wanted to expand, and the matter was put to town referendum, where the motion was defeated. Those in favor accused those opposed of voter fraud, but these allegations were dismissed as wholly unfounded.
Another petition was taken up last year, and sufficient signatures were gathered to allow for another town referendum on the matter.
Luðvík Geirsson, the mayor of Hafnarfjörður, has been in touch with the plant director and told reporters that they are currently discussing the possibility of holding the referendum on 6 March – the same day that a national referendum on the Icesave law is expected to be held.
Alcan says that an expansion will increase their aluminum output by 40,000 tons.